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John E. Petty | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Carolyn 28-Jul-2018 16:29
Wonderful photographer, Wonderful Dr.,Wonderful man.โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜‡
Guest 15-Dec-2015 16:26
Miss you Doc
Sherry 07-Aug-2014 18:48
You are missed, Dr Petty!
Guest 19-Jul-2014 07:20
I just want to send my condolences to Dr Petty's wife, family, friends, co-workers and patients. I am very sure he will be sorely missed. God Bless.
Carolyn Novoa 19-Jul-2014 05:29
John was an excellent Photographer and an awesome person. So Glad I could see more of his work here.
Linda 17-Jul-2014 15:49
Great pictures.
Jordan Fout 29-Jul-2013 18:54
It was so nice to meet you during the week of the balloon race! I will check back to see what you captured and hope to see that shot of me swinging at the Danville party! Maybe you should come to worlds in Brazil and photograph that, too!
Mark Grebe 31-Mar-2012 02:24
Awesome pictures enjoyed them all. great job.
Gay Kirkland 23-Mar-2011 21:34
John....what fabulous pictures!!!! I loved looking at the ones from Guatemala!!!! You have such an exceptional talent in capturing the feel and personality of your subjects. Thank you so much for documenting and especially sharing!!!!!
Andrew Avery 08-Jan-2011 21:03
Hey John, Mike told me about your pictures and they are great. Wildlife is overlooked by so many and I think you're doing a great job capturing it. I'm starting to pick up photography as a hobby. There is a unique mixture of art and skill. Loved the ducks.
Guest 10-Sep-2010 01:06
You are a Jack of all trades!! Have enjoyed all your beautiful pictures. Thank you for educating me. Pam Woolley
Ron Bigony 21-Jul-2010 14:36
John- These are absolutely beautiful. I really love the blue herons and the resting dragonfly. All the photos are really well composed with great clarity and color. Being a good photographer in a lot of ways is tougher than being a painter. We (painters) can move stuff around til the composition suits us. Photograhpers don't have that option.
Connie Alexander 28-Jun-2010 18:05
I am speechless. I have spent most of my morning looking at these marvelous pictures and never knew this about you. Fantastic!
Guest 16-Jun-2010 12:29
You are truly a genius photographer. Thanks so much for furnishing your website..Maybe you could take some yoga photos..
Jim Sawyer 31-Jan-2010 00:06
Beautiful pics John, very well done
Especially spectacular pics from Alaska, makes me want to go soon
Nancy really enjoyed them as well.
Jim Sawyer
Guest 25-Jan-2010 21:34
Beautiful photos. Thank you for furnishing your website.
Guest 06-Jan-2010 17:06
We loved your pictures!!!
S & S Marrs
Guest 09-Nov-2009 15:36

After visiting more of your galleries, all I can say is, "Holy Cow!" You are an incredible photographer with a keen eye for composition. I hope we get a chance to dive together again in the future. Meantime, I'll travel vicariously through your photos.

Simon 12-Oct-2009 07:32
Hi John
Beautiful pictures! After meeting you in Seward, we did the hike south of Seward you told us about. It was great! The Salmon River was impressive, although a bit smelly ;-) and we saw some beautiful eagles.
Greetings from Stuttgart, Germany (to where we returned about a week ago).
Nina + Simon
Karen Higgins 11-Oct-2009 17:33
These pictures are incredible. You caught some moments in time! Thanks for sharing your vision!
aluco05-Oct-2009 12:12
Hi John!
Thank you for your kind comments in my guestbook!
That makes me happy!
Lynn Fitzgerald 23-Sep-2009 21:05
These photos are wonderful!
Bob Coburn 21-Aug-2009 21:34
Your talent for creative work is amazing. Keep up the good work and thanks for allowing me the opportunity to use some of your photos.
Becky Birdsong 13-Jul-2009 21:17
Wow! I am so impressed with your work. The pictures are amazing. It makes me want to snuggle up with a seal.
marcus bennett 29-Apr-2009 22:29
Dr. Petty, your photographic talents and skills are excellent. You should really consider publishing these, as well as entering them into photography contests.
Karen & Brad 03-Jan-2009 06:45
WOW! The pics are spectacular. Brad and I just watched the slideshows and felt like we were there with you all over again. You certainly have a special gift. Thank you so much for sharing with us. You must tell us more about Cotapaxi and the rescue part. We are so proud of you. Can we get a copy of the group picture to add to our photos?

Happy New Year and we hope our paths cross again. All out best, Karen and Brad
Doreen Rooker 30-Dec-2008 01:01
Thanks for sharing your pictures. They are so amazing, I can't imagine what the "real thing" was like!
Guest 28-Dec-2008 04:56
What magnificient adventures you have and what spectacular photos you have taken !!!
Thanks so much for letting some of us live vicariously through you !!! Cathie B.
Keith Nix 19-Dec-2008 21:01
Great shots, Doctor Petty! Thanks for luggin' the camera gear to capture these images of what our awesome God has created for all to see!
Dennis Deavenport 02-Nov-2008 22:00
So, when do you plan to move to Houston?

HUPS needs you here, not up in East Texas.

See you next Saturday.
