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Mark Dreiling | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
... I retired after a career as a physicist doing materials research in the petroleum and petrochemicals industry and am now catching up with other areas of interest.
... The top galleries are a documentation of wildlife found in my yard on Cherokee Hills Drive in Bartlesville, Oklahoma starting in February 2005.
... Starting in 2013 the home is in Santee, California near Santee Lakes with a yard backing onto uninhabited foothills.
... The Bartlesville yard extended into a floodplain and included a pond in a transition area between the southern Flint Hills and southern tallgrass prairie.
... YouTube videos Great Horned Owl and Juvenile Hawk 1 , Juvenile Hawk 2 and Hooded Oriole
... There are many unidentified moth species and surely misidentifications. I'll provide the much higher-resolution original files for educational purposes. Example , WIRED and Miller moths in Colorado
... Some photos have been requested for use in books and publications - making the hobby more worthwhile, including the Tulsa World newspaper
Dragonflies and Damselflies of Northeastern Oklahoma , Oklahoma Biological Survey Vol. 10 No. 1
... 2 photos in Insects of the Los Angeles Basin, 3rd Edition
... 3 photos in Owlet Caterpillars of Eastern North America
... 15 photos in Peterson Field Guide to Moths of Northeastern North America
... 1 photo in Garden Insects of North America: The Ultimate Guide to Backyard Bugs
... 116 photos in the Peterson Field Guide to Moths of Southeastern North America
... 158 photos in the upcoming Princeton Field Guide to Moths of Western North America - ( Was Peterson, now Princeton Field Guide) Early in 2025.
... Three photos in Dragonflies at a Biogeographical Crossroads: The Odonata of Oklahoma and Complexities Beyond Its Borders
... One moth photo in the July 2023 issue of Birds and Blooms Extra magazine.
... Also, in upcoming books on organic gardening, beekeeping and in several regional domestic, forestry and agricultural brochures. North Carolina Extension
... The robotics photo (below) will be in a book on college algebra. Also, this pic in the multi-lingual 2010 International Lions Club environmental theme wall calendar: STFC
... A major activity from 2008 until 2012 was participation in the DNA Barcode of Life for moths: DNA , iBOL , BARCODE Bulletin and iBOL Blog
... Some interesting results are here: OK Moth DNA . . . . I use Creative Commons for copyrights.
Favorite pictures
:: Favorite pictures ::
 San Diego Moths
::  San Diego Moths ::
Norris Bloomfield - Moths
:: Norris Bloomfield - Moths ::
Oklahoma Moths
:: Oklahoma Moths ::
Moth Lab - DNA Barcode of Life Project
:: Moth Lab - DNA Barcode of Life Project ::
San Diego County Wildlife
:: San Diego County Wildlife ::
Santee and San Diego Birds
:: Santee and San Diego Birds ::
Santee Yard Plant Directory
:: Santee Yard Plant Directory ::
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
:: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park ::
San Diego River Park Foundation
:: San Diego River Park Foundation ::
Oklahoma Birds
:: Oklahoma Birds ::
Oklahoma Animals
:: Oklahoma Animals ::
Oklahoma Insects
:: Oklahoma Insects ::
Oklahoma Dragonflies and Damselflies
:: Oklahoma Dragonflies and Damselflies ::
Oklahoma Spiders
:: Oklahoma Spiders ::
Oklahoma Mushrooms
:: Oklahoma Mushrooms ::
Oklahoma Butterflies and Skippers
:: Oklahoma Butterflies and Skippers ::
Oklahoma Field Trips
:: Oklahoma Field Trips ::
Sutton Avian Research Center Picnics
:: Sutton Avian Research Center Picnics ::
:: Trips ::
Cimarron Pheasant Hunting - Greensburg Tornado
:: Cimarron Pheasant Hunting - Greensburg Tornado ::
Old Kinderhook
:: Old Kinderhook ::
:: Woodworking ::
Tri County FIRST Robotics
:: Tri County FIRST Robotics ::
Price Tower Project CamScan
:: Price Tower Project CamScan ::
Stanford Linear Accelerator Project
:: Stanford Linear Accelerator Project ::
Oklahoma Centennial Parade - Bartlesville
:: Oklahoma Centennial Parade - Bartlesville ::
Bartlesville Lions Club
:: Bartlesville Lions Club ::
Hayden High 50th Reunion 2008
:: Hayden High 50th Reunion 2008 ::
Family Pictures - Password Needed
:: Family Pictures - Password Needed ::
4th from 2005 - 2011
:: 4th from 2005 - 2011 ::
:: Nikon  ::
Focus Stacking
:: Focus Stacking ::
:: History ::