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Wayne Brasch's Recent Galleries

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22-Dec-2024 07:08
Gracie My Wife (1958-2024)
:: Gracie My Wife (1958-2024) ::
22-Dec-2024 06:48
Picture of the Day
:: Picture of the Day ::
22-Dec-2024 06:48
Family &  Friends
:: Family & Friends  ::
21-Dec-2024 11:09
Things seen whilst out walking
:: Things seen whilst out walking ::
12-Aug-2023 10:08
BC (2005-2023)
:: BC (2005-2023) ::
29-Aug-2015 09:43
Religion,  Churches & Cemeteries
:: Religion, Churches & Cemeteries ::
29-Aug-2015 09:43
   Flora & Fauna
::  Flora & Fauna ::
27-Apr-2015 02:58
Black & White Images
:: Black & White Images ::
06-Apr-2015 06:02
Easter Vigil Mass
:: Easter Vigil Mass ::
19-Mar-2015 01:11
Cats & Dogs
:: Cats & Dogs ::
16-Feb-2015 10:21
:: Food ::
04-Oct-2014 07:49
New Zealand
:: New Zealand ::