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Paul Cools | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails

Welcome to my gallery. My name is Paul Cools and here you can find a large variety of my pictures.
Most of the pictures are taken in the Netherlands but also on various place's
in Europe and the rest of the world, I focus mainly on wildlife and nature photography.
Comments and/or critics will be welcome, as well as the votes in the galleries you like.
All pictures are copyrighted and may not be used for any purpose without permission.
For publishing or other commercial use you may contact me directly at my
e-mail address (

Tilburg (Echowaaike)
:: Tilburg (Echowaaike) ::
Trips / Reizen
:: Trips / Reizen ::
Birds / Vogels
:: Birds / Vogels ::
Zoogdieren / Mammals
:: Zoogdieren / Mammals ::
Amphibians, Reptiles and Fish / Amfibieƫn, Reptielen en Vissen
:: Amphibians, Reptiles and Fish / AmfibieĆ«n, Reptielen en Vissen ::
Insects and Arthropods / Insecten en Geleedpotigen
:: Insects and Arthropods / Insecten en Geleedpotigen ::
Odonata (Dragonflies and Damselflies / Libellen en Juffers)
:: Odonata (Dragonflies and Damselflies / Libellen en Juffers) ::
Butterflies / Dagvlinders
:: Butterflies / Dagvlinders ::
Moths / Nachtvlinders
:: Moths / Nachtvlinders ::
:: Flora ::
Moss, lichen and Mushrooms / Mossen, korstmossen en Paddenstoelen
:: Moss, lichen and Mushrooms / Mossen, korstmossen en Paddenstoelen ::