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Rod Ostoski - Brevard County Real Estate Photographer | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Rod Ostoski - Brevard County Real Estate Photographer
Name Rod Ostoski - Brevard County Real Estate Photographer (joined 30-Nov-2003) (pbase supporter)
Username rod_ostoski
Personal URL
Location Merritt Island, Florida
Merritt Island, Florida
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View Galleries : Rod Ostoski - Brevard County Real Estate Photographer has 66 galleries and 2109 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 3436872 times.

View Guestbook : 112 messages. Most recent on 18-Jul-2011.

Message from Rod Ostoski - Brevard County Real Estate Photographer
Brevard County Photographer Rod Ostoski combines artistry and creative lighting to produce stunning Real Estate photography!
Serving Brevard County.

Rod resides in Merritt Island and has worked on the Space Shuttle program for the last 16 years as an IT Computer support specialist and photographer. Now that the Shuttle program has retired, Rod is photographing Real Estate for local brokers and developers.

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