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Profile for ukexpat
Name ukexpat (joined 17-Mar-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username ukexpat
Personal URL
Location English but now living in USA
English but now living in USA
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View Galleries : ukexpat has 24 galleries and 824 images online.
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Message from ukexpat
Welcome to my PBase galleries. I hope you find something of interest here.

I am a serious amateur photographer who began with film and a trusty old manual Pracktica camera back in the 70's, graduated to a Canon A1 (that was stolen from my London flat in 1990) and then a Canon T90.

After university, photography took a bit of a back seat while I qualified as a barrister and embarked upon my legal career. I am now something of a technogeek with interests in home theatre, scuba diving, computers and digital imaging.

As you can probably tell from my PBase name, I am an expatriate Brit living in the US. By day I am an M&A lawyer for a large US multinational corporation.

My first digital camera was an Olympus D600L, followed by a Canon D30. I now use a Canon 5D Mark II and several Canon EF lenses -- a 50mm 1.4, a 24-105mm IS L zoom, a 28-135mm IS zoom, a 16-35mm L zoom and a 100-400mm IS L zoom. I also have a couple of 550EX flashes and the Canon ST-E2 flash transmitter. All my recent scans have been done using a Canon Canoscan 9900F scanner.

My Canon collection now includes:

Canon FTb, revised version, unofficially known as the FTb-N or FTbn (near mint in box) and FTb Case S (new in box but deteriorated)
Canon AE-1
Canon A-1 (new in box), and NIB Data Back A
Canon T-80 (near mint in box) with its three dedicated AF lenses
Canon T-90 (my old work horse after my original A-1 was stolen)
Canon EOS RT (new in box)
Canon EOS IX (near mint in box)
Canon EOS 1v (new in box), BP-E1 battery pack (new in box), PB-E2 power drive booster (new in box) and ES-E1 software (new in box)
Canon EOS D30, my first digital SLR
Canon EOS 10D
Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Canon Lens Converter FD-EOS (new in box)

Other cameras in my collection:
Pentax Auto 110 Complete Kit (new in box, previously owned by Bob Guccione)
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